Mis Once Letras

Song Cycle

Roque Dalton, poetry

Tenor solo & Piano

Program Note

Program note


“Mis once Letras” is the result of a commission by tenor Mauricio Iglesias, who sent me a series of poems by Roque Dalton. The project was to set the music and then present the works to High School students in El Salvador and motivate them to learn more about Salvadoran poetry. From the various poems Mauricio sent, I selected “Mi amor por ti es mucho mas que amor” (My love for you is more than love) (I – More than love), “Alta hora de la noche” (Highest hour of the night) (II – Do not pronounce my

name) and “Mi niña, mi Mujer” (My girl, my Woman).


The name of the work: “Mis once Letras” (My eleven letters) refers to a fragment of one of the poems used in the cycle and to the fact that the name Roque Dalton has “eleven letters.” As a curiosity, the name of Jorge Guzman (to whom the second piece is dedicated to) has also eleven letters. The work is scored for Tenor and Piano. Both parts had a grade of virtuosity. The tenor part requires special attention in the lower level of the range. For this work, the Tenor should sing from C3 to Ab5.


  1. Mucho más que amor (Much more than love)

The work is in 4/3 time in homage to a Waltz, a genre that has been delighted by many, as much as my grandparent did (he was also a composer). The waltz is then modified with different metrics to give it a different shape. The work is a homage to love. Love that grows and changes little by little becoming more intense. Harmony and metric provide support for the text and to the idea of growing love. The work is

dedicated to Dr. Mario and Ana Henriquez, founders of the Salvadoran Renal Foundation, Inc and the Fundación Renal de El Salvador in El Salvador.


  1. No pronuncies mi nombre (Do not pronounce my name)

From the three songs in the cycle this is the somber one. The introduction is a personal homage to a composition technique called “Tintinnabuli” developed by one of my favorite contemporary composers: Arvo Pärt. Is in this song where the tenor has to show his skills in the lower register and dramatically present the music. Death and love are two intense feelings. My advice to performers may be precisely to try to communicate with intensity the feelings that the text evoques. For the pianist: There are some “eleven notes” chords that refers to the title of the work. The work is posthumously dedicated to painter Jorge Guzman, founder of Ikarus Gallery Cultural Program, Inc in New York, with whom I shared projects and art.


III. Mi niña, mi mujer (My girl, my woman)

This work was inspired by the impressionism. A mix of delicacy and passion. A declaration of love. An Ideal and juvenile love that make some to be flying over the clouds. Pianists could expect a challenge working on this piece. My idea was that both soloist and pianist could show their talents. Love, as in this piece should be constructed gradually, and has moments of tremendous passion and tenderness. The climax: “Te digo que te amo como jamás amé” should include a high dose of emotion and expression. The work is dedicated to my friend Mauricio Iglesias.


My special recognition to Mauricio for commissioning this work, to Juan José and Jorge Dalton for permitting me to use the words of their father Roque Dalton, to my wife Alejandra and my family for always supporting me and finally, to my teacher, Dr. Ivette Herryman for her invaluable support towards my education and career.


  • Juan Guerra González

Performance by:

Aracely Sánchez

With Jorge Guzman, Sr. to whom Mis Once Letras is dedicated.


Roque Dalton (1935 – 1975)

El Salvador

Mucho más que amor


Mi amor por ti es mucho más que amor,

es algo que se amasa día a día,

es proyectar tu sombra junto a mí,

hacer con ellas una sola vida.


Las miradas que ya al conocer

se hablan entre sí en la distancia,

no hacen falta palabras…qué más da!

si ya interpretamos lo que claman.


Los mil detalles que tienes tú por mí,

mi descaro al advertir en lo que fallas,

el sincerarme cuando hay que decir

lo que sinceramente no se calla.


Mi amor por ti es mucho más que amor.

Mi amor por ti es como una nevada,

un torrente de luz, algo tan bello…

como ponerse el sol o amanecer el alba.

No pronuncies mi nombre


Alta hora de la noche

Cuando sepas que he muerto no pronuncies mi nombre

Porque se detendría la muerte y el reposo

Tu voz que es la campana de los cinco sentidos

Sería el tenue faro buscado por mi niebla

Cuando sepas que he muerto di sílabas extrañas

Pronuncia flor, abeja, lágrima, pan, tormenta

No dejes que tus labios lleven mis once letras

Tengo sueño, he amado, he ganado el silencio

No pronuncies mi nombre cuando sepas que he muerto

Desde la oscura tierra vendría por tu voz

No pronuncies mi nombre

No pronuncies mi nombre

Cuando sepas que he muerto no pronuncies mi nombre.

Mi niña, mi mujer


Mi niña, mi mujer,

Mi temerosa audaz y honda pastora

Del afanoso viendo que hago brotar y dono,

Mi entraña fruta tropical hecha de barro y miel,

Mi copa incanjeable,

Mi oásis predilecto

En los veintitrés años de viejo

Que me llena los ojos,

Mi gran signo de paz,

Mi corralito,

Mi testigo primaria, furtiva y tutelar,

Que desde la sonrisa secreta asalta mis temores

Mi agua de cada día dándome la cosecha

Para lavar toda la sed del mundo,

Mi bandera de carne, mi gran vena:

Te digo que te amo

Como jamás amé,

Como jamás te amaron o amarán:

Altiva, clara, dolorosamente,

Desde todos mis árboles alegres,

Desde todos mis poros, mi clandestinidad y mis murallas,

Desde las lágrimas exactas, cara a cara, 

Que únicamente tú – angel del nuevo cielo que construyo –

Me conoces.

Te amo. En ti establezco

Mi derecho de amar por sobre todas las cosas.