Y sin embargo, amor...
Program Note
This work was kindly commissioned by Salvadoran conductor Paula Burgos for her graduation recital in Costa Rica.
The work is a challenge to any conductor. It’s complexity in range and expression drives into a powerful force that reinforces the nature of the text. The work begins moving between different tonal centers landing finally when the choir sings “Aquí hoy digo:” from that moment harmony gets more “stable”.
The choir should be very expressive while presenting the phrases. The work has two climax points. The first is presented on bar 59: “Tu voz, tus ojos” while the second is at the very end of the piece: “pero se vive” (bars 125 – 132). This passage could be very challenging because of the range (specifically in the basses) and because of the dynamic range going from pp (pianissimo) to fff (fortississimo).
The work is dedicated with much appreciation to Paula wishing her an exciting career as a conductor.
- Juan Guerra González
Y sin embargo, amor, a través de las lágrimas,
yo sabía que al fin iba a quedarme
desnudo en la ribera de la risa.
siempre recordaré tu desnudez en mis manos,
tu olor a disfrutada madera de sándalo
clavada junto al sol de la mañana;
tu risa de muchacha,
o de arroyo,
o de pájaro;
tus manos largas y amantes
como un lirio traidor a sus antiguos colores;
tu voz,
tus ojos,
lo de abarcable en ti que entre mis pasos
pensaba sostener con las palabras.
Pero ya no habrá tiempo de llorar.
Ha terminado
la hora de la ceniza para mi corazón.
Hace frío sin ti,
pero se vive.
- Roque Dalton
World Premiere performed by:
“Coro Universitario Cubujuquí”
Escuela de Música de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
Paula Burgos, conductor